WDV2221 Intro Javascript
Unit-4 Assignment - Functions & Parameters
Instructions: Define and assign the variables based upon the instructions in the script tags on this page.
Example 1
- Create a runtime script that will call formatRosterName().
- Place the script so that it will display the name in the following heading.
- Pass the global variables firstName and lastName into the function.
Student Name: display name here
Example 2
- Create a button called "Display Name".
- Assign an onclick event handler to the button that will call displayName().
- Pass the global variables firstName and lastName into the function.
- Fix the function so that there is proper spacing
Example 3
- Create a function called displaySchool( ).
- the function will accept one input parameter called inValue
- the function will display the input value on the console using console.log().
- Call this function using a button and the onclick event handler. Pass in the schoolName variable as the parameter to the displaySchool().
Example 4
- Create a function called printName( ).
- the function will accept two parameters, inFirstName and inLastName
- concatenate the names into a single string formatted as "firstName lastName"
- display the result string to the console using console.log()
- Call this function during runtime. Pass in the firstName and lastName variables as the parameters.
Example 5
- Create a global variable called totalSales. Assign it a value of 3435.6. It should be numeric data type.
- Create a function called formatCurrency().
- the function will accept one input parameter called inNumber
- the function will use the currency formatting discussed in this unit
- use a 'return' statement to deliver the formatted number to where the function is called
- Use a runtime script to display the formatted number instead of the message in the heading shown below.
Your Total Sales: display formatted value here